For as long as I’ve been aware of blogs, I’ve wanted one of my own. They seem so hip and cool. Some bloggers are so relatable and funny that I decide I want to be their friend. They don’t reciprocate that friendship very well – I do most of the listening, but that’s okay. I’ve tried to keep a journal a few times throughout my life, but my weak, tech-addicted hands start to cramp and ache if I try to write more than a page. In addition, I have always found it strange to disclose your most intimate thoughts to an inanimate object.
“Dear Diary, you can’t validate my emotions or give me any advice because you can’t hear me and you are made of paper.”
Luckily, I’m not the only tech-addicted person out here. We live in the age of technology-everywhere, and I’m much better at typing than I am at writing by hand. I also feel less weird writing to all of you (by which I mean Mom – hi Mom!), because you exist and are human manifestations of consciousness (I assume? Hey, Siri?).
I’m a senior at CU! Sort of. I’m a pretend senior. I’m on a decelerated track where I’m not sure what I’m trying to major in, but I do have a lot of unhelpful elective credits – I’m looking at you, Social Psych. This is a pretty common problem among my peers as well. It’s unclear if I’ll ever know a life after college, because it seems increasingly likely that it will go on for eternity. I’m sure my Dad would prefer that I graduate so he can stop paying tuition and I can be financially independent at some point in my life. As far as I can tell, “Learning Useful Stuff” and “Being In College” seem to be mostly unrelated data sets.
On the plus side, I am currently taking the most interesting and informative courses I’ve taken at CU. So maybe there’s hope after all!
In addition to school, I’ve been working as a barista for the past 5 years, which is arguably too many years to be a barista. My favorite things about my job:
- The front of the shop faces East and I get to watch the sun rise
- My car smells like espresso after driving home from a shift
- Free. Coffee.
My least favorite parts about my job:
- Sometimes I have to scrape snow and ice off of my car in 5 degree weather an hour before the sun starts to rise
- Some people aren’t their most cheery selves pre-coffee and pre-sunlight (can you blame them?)
- We are somehow perpetually short-staffed. Always. Forever.
Mostly, I like my job a lot. But I’m feeling ready for something different after being here for so long.
Anyway, those are the basics. Welcome to my cool, hip, digital journal-blog! Stay tuned for updates on my thoughts and adventures. I hope you enjoy.
What a delight to read your blog! Even if I am your mom. Your humor and perspective shine in your writing. I look forward to more!
Woah this is so hip and cool
I wish I was this hip.